Triumphant Together

Coaching & Counseling

Transformation Coaching Adversity often throws us into change whether we want it or not. This is a time where the life you were living and even your identity is altered. It’s a time of no turning back; of uncertainty and confusion in the present and anxiety or fear of the unknown future. Transformation coaching helps you stabilize your nervous system; gain deeper peace and clarity and activate a new plan to move forward.

Enneagram Coaching Facilitates true identity; emotional freedom and stability; better relationships; confidence in decision-making and replacement of limiting coping mechanisms. Susan uses a faith-based approach where you are not treated as a “fixer-upper” or “sinner” but as one made in God’s image who is learning how to break free from patterns and habits which block your true identity and keep you in stuck in relational ruts.

Grief Counseling Loss of a job, death of a loved one and divorce can be traumatizing and at the very least, unsettling. Struggles with identity, decision-making, newfound independence, loneliness, becoming stuck in the past, and sadness are not uncommon. Provides professional support and guidance to navigate this uncharted territory.

Certifications: Certified Grief Counselor; Certified Professional Enneagram Facilitator; Emotional Intelligence, DISC, Change Management, Live a New Life Story, and Forgiveness Coaching

Pricing: Private session: $115 / 3 sessions: $299 / 6 sessions: $575

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